Korg leveraged their Oasys technology and sounds over into their new M3/M50, heck some of it is supposed to be in the PA2Xpro...
Ketron are going to have to do this, and PRONTO. I think you are right, James, that they have gotten themselves into a very deep hole betting the farm on an über-expensive arranger just as a global recession hits. Tough luck for them, but the underlying technology, if trickled down QUICKLY to a MOTL arranger, might save their asses. But it's hard to see how a product in THREE YEARS of costly development or more is going to save the company given the economic downturn.
Korg had enough sense to cut and run, and firesale the tech they developed into products that people can afford. I wonder if Ketron can do the same?
An arranger is just a tool. What matters is what you build with it..!